15 Feb, 2025
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The Andhra Pradesh board will be the hall tickets for class 10th board examinations today itself. BSEAP 10th hall tickets can be downloaded by respective schools as well as from the provided official website provided by the Kendra.
Examinations will be starting on March 18, 2025, and will end on April 2, 2025. BSEAP is known to declare the result for board exams in record time and hence this year too the result for an AP class 10th board exam should be expected by the end of April.
Note:- A very important issue now students have to wait for the results after their examinations.
Without a Hall ticket, there will be no entry for the students in the examination hall. Those who don’t have one will be prohibited from the center. Candidates appearing they must bring their hall ticket. No entry would be accepted of a candidate on the other candidate’s hall ticket.
Candidates must have to confirm regarding many things as well as authentication of hall ticket. When a candidate will download a admit card then she/he will get the following pieces of information mentioned below:
Note:- To have more information regarding any issue, a candidate can check on an official website “www.bse.ap.gov.in”.
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