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TS SSC 10th Result 2025 - Check Telangana Board 10th Result, Marks, and Merit List Here

07 Feb, 2025

TS SSC 10th Result 2025

The Director of Government Examinations, Telangana Declares the result of the Telangana SSC Class 10th board examinations on 13th of May, 2025 The TS Telangana  Result will be out at 11.30 AM at D-Block, Ground Floor Conference Hall, Telangana State Secretariat, Hyderabad. All the students who have given the board examinations can review their marks and overall performance by downloading the Telangana State Class 10th board result through the official website of Telangana Board @

As per a meeting conducted by Secretary of education B Janardhan Reddy in Hyderabad, it has been decided that the board will avail an exclusive link for all the schools and there will be also an available option for every student to raise objections against after the TS SSC 10th Result immediately. This year, the SSC Class 10th board exams in Telangana were held between the 16th of March to 2nd of April, 2025. However, in the year 2025, the Telangana State Board of Secondary Education (TSBSE) had published the Class 10th results on April 2025.

TS SSC 10th Result: Highlights

Exam Name: TS Telangana SSC Class 10th Board Exam
Board Name: Director of Government Examinations, Telangana
Category: Result
Date of Declaration: May 2025 (Tentative)
Declaration Time: 11:30 am
Total Appeared Students: 5,38,867
Overall Passing Percentile: 92.43% 
Girls Passing Percentage: 93.68%
Boys Passing Percentage: 91.15 %
Location: Telangana

TS SSC 10th Result 2025 Declares after Protests Over Student Suicides:

The Directorate of Government Examination, Telangana has announced the result of the Telangana state intermediate education board at the time after prospects over the student suicides. It was suffering the wrath of parents over an alleged blunder in the TS SSC 10th Results which is following at least 19 students who have committed suicide.

Students and their parent organizations have been directing the re-evaluation of all results after various meritorious students (mostly from state-run schools) who had otherwise obtained high-grade marks failed in one or two subjects. The state saw extensive protests after the reports of student suicides following the publication of error-ridden results by the TSBIE.

Steps to Download TS Telangana 10th Board Result 2025:

Below is the list of step-by-step procedures that candidates would require while downloading the Telangana Board 10th Result 2025. Have a look at the following:

Step 1: At first, visit the official website of the Telangana State Board.

Step 2: Go to the link section, and you need to search out the link for Telangana Board 10th Result in 2025.

Step 3: Now, click on the link, and your Telangana Board 10th Result in 2025 result will be displayed on the screen of your device.

Step 4: Here, you will be asked to enter all the credentials on this window such as your roll number, enrollment number required in the box and then do submit it.

Step 5: Once after the submission of your details, your TS SSC 10th Result will be shown on the screen of your computer.

Step 6: Finally, draw out the printed version of your respective result and keep it safe for future usage.

Particulars mentioned on TS SSC 10th Result 2025:

Here are the details that will be mentioned on TS Telangana Class 10th Board Results 2025:

  • Candidates Roll Number
  • Registration Number of the Students
  • Enrolment Number of the Candidates
  • Students’ Name
  • Parent’s Name
  • Date of Birth of the Candidates
  • School Name
  • Board’s Name
  • Subject Details
  • Marks in the Subjects (Theory and Practical)
  • Percentage of the Marks
  • TS Telangana Class 10th Board Result Status

Get your TS Telangana 10th Result via SMS Services:

All those students can get their respective results through the official websites of Telangana State, i.e. but rather than this for student’s comfort and ease, the authority has introduced a new service for announcing the results, i.e. SMS Services. For this, you have to do the following:



Then, send it to contact “56263”.

Last Year’s Result Statistics of Telangana SSC Class 10th:

The previous year, the girls outperformed better than boys in the Telangana SSC 2019 exam with the passing percentile of 85.14%. The students who have qualified for last year's examination of 2019 with 83.78 percent while the pass percentage for girls was 85.14 percent and for boys, the estimate stood at 82.46 percentile.

Last Four Year’s Result Statistics:

Total Students appeared
Girls passing %
Boys passing %
Overall passing %





83.78 %



85.37 %

82.95 %

84.15 %



85.63 %

84.70 %

85.63 %



76.11 %

79.04 %


TS SSC Class 10th 2025 Re-verification/ Recounting:

After the declaration of the SSC result, the students who will not get satisfied with their performance and secured marks can apply for re-verification or recounting of the answer scripts. The Board will be given a time period under which the interested students have to fill out applications for re-verification.

The Board will notify/inform the students about the application process, fee applicable, time schedule through its website only. The application form will be made available on the portal soon and the candidates have to fill it, then submit it along with the prescribed fee within the specified date.

Telangana Board Class 10th Result 2025

Telangana SSC Class 10th Result 2025

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