College Disha

The Vice President Showed Concern on the Need of Reservation for Poor Students in Private Institution

07 Feb, 2025

The Vice President Showed Concern on the Need of Reservations for Poor Students in Private Institutions

 Shri V.K.Naidu, the VP of India talked about the public and private sector for higher education and asked the private sector to contribute as education is the fundamental right for all.


The Requirement Of Increase In Reservation For Poor And Underprivileged Students:

M Venkaiah Naidu, The Vice president of India was invited as the chief guest at the 9th convocation ceremony of Lovely Professional University Phagwara, Punjab. In his speech, he encouraged private Universities and Higher Education institutions to reserve a definite percentage of seats for financially weak children. He added that education is a right for all and should be equally accessible to each one of us. The Vice President lamented over the fact that quality private sector education has become completely off-limits for poor and marginalized people.

Further, he suggested that private Universities should sponsor and reserve a certain percentage of seats for students who belong from a poor section and have fewer resources.

The honorable Vice President mentioned that the public sector of India alone can’t provide quality higher education to all. Hence, the private sector needs to contribute. They should be involved in government efforts and should help poor and marginalized students reach education, which is a fundamental right for all.

He stated, “Our goal should be to impart knowledge to every individual living in any corner of the country, India.”

Need to Mend India’s Education System:

M Venkaiah Naidu commented, “Most of the colleges in India have become a factory producing students equipped degrees and barely imparting the analytical skills. The concern is that the passing out students have no employable skills which are neither beneficial for the individual nor for the country.”

He condemned the method of India’s Education system and said it requires a change. He said that the colleges in India focus on theoretical knowledge while the least importance is given to practical skills.

The VP showed his concern about the need to improve the education system of India in order to stand and compete globally. In his speech, he also mentioned that the number of Institutions and Universities should also be increased in order to meet the demand of increasing students to pursue higher education and discussed the target gross enrolment ratio of 30% by 2025.

While speaking the skills, he also recommended that the educational institutes should impart the best knowledge and inspire the entrepreneurial spirit in students.

At last, M Venkaiah Naidu praised the farmers of the state Punjab for making agriculture sustainable through innovative methods. He suggested students of agriculture visit the farmers and spend the time to know about all the problems faced by them.

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