College Disha

TCS Organizes Digitised Hiring Process to Add Engineering Recruits From all Parts of India

07 Feb, 2025

TCS Organizes Digitised Hiring Process to Add Engineering Recruits From all Parts of India

IT services forerunner, TCS is aiming to conduct online tests for fresh engineering recruitments. This could prove to be a great opportunity for students who are not selected in the campus recruitment process. The online test named as National Qualifier Test was held recently by TCS. All the major firms of TCS are following it up with either video conferencing of applications or face-to-face interviews, depending on the location of the applicant.

While the company is following this online process, it is not ending the campus recruitment process, the higher official of the company said in a statement. This could evince as a boon for the students who are deprived of campus placements. Also, it will help the company to reach out to a far more talented base irrespective of the geographical location of applicants. This way the company will be able to complete the hiring process within three to four weeks which is better than the traditional way of hiring taking three to four months.

The count of engineers onboard TCS  last year was 20000. The company is aiming to bring more engineers to its court this year. Earlier TCS was reaching out to 370 colleges but with its digitized process of hiring, it now has students from over 2000 colleges that are extreme at distant or remote places.

According to our sources, the students who registered for this online process can be counted estimated to 280,000 from 100 cities and 24 states all over India. The statistic is 175 % higher than last year. Ajoy Mukherjee, executive VP and head of global human resources at TCS stated that “ The basic process of campus recruitment is not changing but the way we are doing it is changing. We have optimized recruitment so that it can be done faster in three to four weeks”

The online test which was conducted last month, Aug 2025 to be precise is still going on and the company is hoping to add more talented and eligible candidates to its base. Ajoy Mukherjee further stated that “We could not go to colleges in far-flung areas. Now they come together in one nearby accredited college or an iON center for the interview”. However, the traditional way of hiring will still continue across the top institutions of India.

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