06 Feb, 2025
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Just like every year, more than 2 lakh candidates will be sitting for the Common Admission Test (CAT) which is on the 25th of November, Monday. All those aspirants who will qualify for this exam are eligible for getting admitted to management courses like PGP, PGDM, PGPEM, EPGP, PGPBM, PGPEX, at the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and to all other management colleges in India.
The exam will consist of 180 questions and the time limit set for each section is an hour. No candidate will be allowed to switch from one section to another. The score of CAT 2025 will only be considered till 31st December 2025 and therefore will be obtainable on the website till then.
For the aspirants, it is compulsory to carry their call letters along with them to the examination center. All the details related to the examination are such as examination venue, exam duration, roll number, name, and other information is mention in the call letter. If in case, any candidate forgets to carry the admit card then he/she will not be allowed to attempt the examination.
All aspirants will also have to bring one photo identity proof like passport/Aadhaar card/ PAN card/ driving license/ voter’s Id card etc. to the examination hall. All take one photocopy of it along with you. Both the call letter and the photocopy of photo identity proof should be submitted to the invigilators.
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