College Disha

Young Scientist Programme for Class 9th Students - ISRO

07 Feb, 2025

Young Scientist Programme for Class 9th Students

ISRO Young Scientist Programme: State-run Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) announced this programme on Monday, This is to train school students in space technology and its applications. If you are looking to pursue your career in space science then this is for you. In a statement, the city-based agency said, "ISRO has launched the special programme for school children 'Yuva Vigyani Karyakram' (Young Scientist programme) to impart basic knowledge on space technology along with the space science and applications to the young ones to arouse their interest in space activities".

Isro is aiming to spread Science and its favour amongst youth in the country. ISRO said it is good to arouse science in them at a very young which is a better action towards the establishment of the country’s youth. Organising ISRO young scientist program is news in the nation nowadays.

Young Scientist Programme:

  • Students will be shortlisted across the country for its young scientist programme by the end of this month.
  • This may be a one month programme “ISRO Young Scientist Program”.The students will be exposed to the practical experience of building small satellites which may be sent later on.
  • The selection process will be based on academic performance as well as extracurricular activities. Prefered will be those who are studying in rural areas.
  • Most important is that ISRO has been allowed to send it to space.
  • Every expense of travelling and boarding will be under the complete fund of ISRO.
  • The programme will select 100 students mostly from Class 8 and this will be done by including three students each from 29 states and seven Union territories.
  • The procedure of application for the Isro Young Scientist Programme is expected to begin in the month of  March.
  • Students from all boards like CBSE, ICSE and the state shall be involved in this programme.
  • Students will also allow to visit the ISRO centres and also get an opportunity to interact with senior scientists.

For preparations and for the planning of perfect execution ISRO has approached the Chief Secretaries of the respective States along with Administrators of Union Territories in India for an arrangement for the selection of three students from each of their State/Union territory and communicate the list to the space agency.

The residential training for ISRO young scientist Programme will be of around two weeks duration during the summer holidays and it is proposed to select three students each from each State as well as Union Territory.

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