College Disha

Coronavirus Vaccine Registration - Online Apply for Covid-19 Vaccine

05 Feb, 2025

Coronavirus Vaccine Registration

More than half of the registration for the COVID- 19 vaccines has been done online, a total of 2.6 crore people had registered for COVID- 19 vaccines. The coronavirus online registration is done through Arogya Setu App.

Steps to Register for COVID- 19 Vaccine

There are 3 ways to register for the Coronavirus vaccine

  1. Self-register online.
  2. Onsite registration at government hospitals/private hospitals.
  3. Facilitated Cohort registration.

Steps for Self- Registration Online

Here we have mentioned how you can register the elderly family members of your house for COVID- 19 vaccination. Individuals can go to the online website of Cowin i.e. and register themselves for COVID 19 vaccination or they can download the AAROGYA SETU app for registration. The Cowin app on the play store is not for registration, that app is only for administrators only.

Steps for Self- Registration Online for people 60 above:

  • Download Aarogya Setu App on your mobile or visit the website of Cowin i.e. to register for the coronavirus vaccine.
  • Open the Aarogya Setu app or visit the website
  • The first step to register yourself is you need to login with your mobile number and proceed to verify with an OTP (one-time-password) that will be sent on your mobile number through SMS. Enter the OTP and click on the verify button.
  • In the Aarogya Setu app, go to the Vaccination tab and click on it, a new page will appear.
  • Now, a registration page will appear where you again need to verify your mobile number to log in.
  • After login, a new page will appear which will ask you to enter some of your information. The information you need to enter is a Photo ID, ID type, ID number, and your full name according to the ID. You also need to enter the gender and age of the person for whom you are booking a vaccination appointment. ID proof can be a driving license, Aadhar card, pan card, voter ID card as a Photo ID card.
  • After entering all the information click submit.
  • A new page will appear which shows that you are registered after that tick on your name and then click on the SCHEDULE VACCINATION tab.
  • The schedule appointment page will appear where you have to enter your pin code and choose the option among paid or free.
  • A new bar will come up from where you can choose the vaccination center and below that there will be a column from there you can choose the date for vaccination.
  • Then it will show you the availability of date and time you can choose whichever time and date suits you.
  • After choosing the date and time A review and confirmation will appear you need to confirm that and your appointment will be booked.
  • If in any case you want to reschedule your appointment you can easily do so by login with your phone number, verify your mobile number with OTP, and make the changes by clicking on the edit icon below the ACTION column.
  • You can also change the vaccination center if you have moved from the city. 

Steps for Self- Registration Online for people 45- 59 with comorbidities:

  • Download Aarogya Setu App on your mobile or visit the website of Cowin i.e. to register for the coronavirus vaccine.
  • Open the Aarogya Setu app or visit the website 
  • The first step to register yourself is you need to login with your mobile number and proceed to verify with an OTP (one-time-password) that will be sent on your mobile number through SMS. Enter the OTP and click on the verify button.
  • In the Aarogya Setu app, go to the Vaccination tab and click on it, a new page will appear.
  • Now, a registration page will appear where you again need to verify your mobile number to login.
  • After login, a new page will appear which will ask you to enter some of your information. The information you need to enter is a Photo ID, ID type, ID number, and your full name according to the ID. You also need to enter the gender and age of the person for whom you are booking a vaccination appointment. ID proof can be a driving license, aadhar card, pan card, voter ID card as a Photo ID card.
  • After entering all the information click submit.
  • A new tab will appear which will ask “Do you have any comorbidities (pre-existing medical conditions)” candidates have to mention all the medical conditions. 
  • A new page will appear which shows that you are registered after that tick on your name and then click on the SCHEDULE VACCINATION tab.
  • The schedule appointment page will appear where you have to enter your pin code and choose the option among paid or free.
  • A new bar will come up from where you can choose the vaccination center and below that there will be a column from there you can choose the date for vaccination.
  • Then it will show you the availability of date and time you can choose whichever time and date suits you.
  • After choosing the date and time A review and confirmation will appear you need to confirm that and your appointment will be booked.
  • If in any case, you want to reschedule your appointment you can easily do so by login with your phone number, verifying your mobile number with OTP, and making the changes by clicking on the edit icon below the ACTION column.
  • You can also change the vaccination center if you have moved from the city.  

Documents Needed for Coronavirus Vaccine Registration:

  • Aadhar Card
  • Voter ID Card
  • Photo ID Card specified at the time of registration in case of online registration (if not Aadhaar or EPIC)
  • Certificate of Co-Morbidity  (For Age Group 45-59 YEARS) 

Comorbidities, Eligible for COVID- 19 Vaccination

  • Coronary Artery Disease with past CABG/ PTCA/ MI and Hypertension/ Diabetes on treatment Significant Left ventricular systolic dysfunction (LVEF
  • Congenital heart disease with severe PAH or Idiopathic PAH
  • Moderate or Severe Valvular Heart Disease
  • Post cardiac transplant/ Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)
  •  Heart failure with hospital admission in the past year.

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