07 Feb, 2025
The central board of secondary education is planning to introduce two levels of maths examination for class X students for several reasons for the academic year 2025. The "NATIONAL FOCUS GROUP ON EXAMINATION REFORMS" has decided to bring in two different levels of mathematics. We all know that students get really stressed out particularly before and at the time of their maths exam. Keeping this thought in mind and which is also observed during the board exam results. CBSE has declared that they will be introducing two levels of class X maths exams for the students who will be appearing in the Class X board exams in 2025.
CBSE board news states that the students must note that there are not going to be two assessment levels for class IX exams. As per the notice, the first level is not going to be any different from the present one and the other level is going to be simpler. The exiting or the initial level of the exam will be called the mathematics standard. The other level of maths will be called mathematics basic.
A student will get a choice while submitting the list of candidates by the affiliated school to the board. This choice will be given during the months of October and November. The basic level of mathematics will be introduced for those students who do not have any desire of opting for maths as a subject in XI standard. Although the internal assessment, syllabus, and classroom teaching for each of the examination levels are going to be the same. The students will study all the class X maths topics throughout the session. Finally, towards the end of the year, they will get a choice to decide between the levels based on their abilities and aptitude.
If the student does not secure passing marks in the examination, then he or she will get a chance to change the subject in the compartment exam according to the norms of the board. Moreover, if the students have opted for basic mathematics and have cleared the exam, then he or she will get a choice to give the mathematics standard exam in the compartment. Then, that person will be eligible to opt for maths in XI standard.
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