College Disha

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Counseled Over 20,000+ students across India

Why you need a career Counsellor?

Speak to a professional career counselor, pour your queries out and clear all your career doubts. Take our advanced psychometric test and get effective career advice from Top Career counsellorsin India.


Our Career Guidance Programs

We have custom-designed different career guidance programs for various age categories. You can choose your career guidance program that aligns with your requirements and it fine?





College Graduates

College Graduates

Working Professionals

Working Professionals


Students sharing their stories and experiences after recieving our services.

College Disha always encourages and inspires students to make the best decisions for their careers and education. From choosing the right education field to get admission to a reputed college, from internships & training to landing the first job, College Disha helps its candidates at every stage. Don't just take our words for it, take theirs.

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