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What is PRT

Update on 2024-04-15

What is PRT? Check PRT Roles and Duties, Task, Full Form of PRT, PRT Skills & PRT Salary

What is PRT?

PRT, a short abbreviation for Primary Teacher is a technical name for teaching professionals who are responsible for teaching the primary classes, which is class 1 to class 5, various subjects. They are responsible for all the developmental and educational standards of the students in these starting years of their lives. The base of these five years will lead the way to their future attitudes toward education and academics. Candidates who wish to appear primary teachers in government schools need to appear for PRT exams held by the state governments to recruit potential teachers to employ in their government schools.

To be a successful primary teacher, one needs more than academic degrees and qualifications, they need to have an innate passion to teach along with the skill to inspire young minds. They need to commit to ensuring that every single child in their class reaches his or her full potential. They achieve these basic goals by developing lesson plans and designing assignments that are age-appropriate, assigning homework, administer tests, etc. PRT has the basic job description where they have to assess students’ performance and decide whether the child is eligible and ready enough to pass on to a higher class.

Primary Teachers also meet with the parents of the children and provide routine records and discuss their respective children's performance and progress. They attend meetings with the school administration and staff to discuss the methods of teaching and grading assignments. A PRT can also tutor students on a daily basis in schools or after school. They also oversee extracurricular activities. Primary Teachers can work for both public and private elementary schools (primary schools). To accomplish their basic goal of instructing students and measuring their aptitude and the level of accomplishment in terms of syllabus and achievement, they have to perform various tasks. 

Below is the article we will cover all the aspects of what is PRT, the job profile, the duties that a PRT needs to perform, salary expectations, etc. For information on the qualification details, kindly check the link here.

What is PRT: Roles and Duties:

Some of the roles or duties that a PRT needs to perform as part of her or his job description or job profile are as follows.

  • Instructing the students: One of the main responsibilities of a PRT is to instruct the students in various subjects such as mathematics, English, science, history, and the other subjects in the environment of a classroom. Following the standards and regulations set by the educational board and its standards. Primary teachers create a host of lesson plans and homework assignments, partaking in various teaching styles to incorporate the diverse learning abilities and styles of the students. They instruct students through the use of various measures such as visual and auditory learning styles.  
  • Grading papers and tests: PRT teachers also assess the performances and evaluate the academic or curricular as well as extracurricular activities of the various students. They have the responsibility of grading and tracing the student's performance through the level of participation they take in the regular classes, such as answering questions, taking initiatives, completing assignments on time, understanding the material being covered in class by tracking their performance in the various activities in class.
  • Manage Discipline in the classroom: Apart from the obvious responsibilities of teaching and assessing the quality of knowledge the students have or learned, they are also responsible for maintaining the environment in the classroom, keeping it formal and ensuring that the classroom environment is ready for learning and students to feel comfortable to learn. The primary teachers must ensure that any disciplinary action is taken against the students who disrupt the learning environment, by making a set of rules for their classroom, maintaining these rules is a part of the duty of the primary teacher.

What is PRT: Skills

There are many skills that a PRT needs to have as mentioned before. To be successful in their duties and responsibilities as Primary teachers, they need to have some skills such as communication skills, organizational as well as leadership skills. They should have excellent communication skills, since half the time, a primary teacher imparts knowledge through the process of teaching, using language and hand gestures to make students understand the concepts and topics they wish to teach. 

The PRT also needs to have the skills of teamwork or collaboration skills since they will be required to independently as well as work in coordination with the different staff such as the administrative or simply with the other teachers. The PRT should also have good listening skills, they should be strong problem solvers when applying classroom management strategies and keeping a backup plan when it comes to the disruptive elements of any classroom.

Some of the core skills a Primary teacher should have are as follows:

  • They should be able to develop engaging lesson plans and curricula according to the standards and level of understanding of the classroom. 
  • They should also prepare progress reports, report cards and student evaluation reports in an easy to understand and concise manner. 
  • They should have the innate ability to understand the mental capacity of a student, be able to assess students’ abilities and development graphs. 
  • Primary teachers should be creative enough to implement activities to stimulate student learning and clearing up doubts. 
  • Primary Teachers should also have the understanding and the necessary skills required to use educational technology tools and methods. 
  • They should also possess knowledge of the core subjects that students learn at this level. Since at the beginning of the primary years, teachers usually teach all the subjects.

Apart from the ones listed above, the PRTs should also have some advanced skills to ensure that they fulfill the recruiter's or employers' demands as well as help them broaden their career options. 

The ideal primary teachers should have the ability to incorporate different and diverse teaching methods in their teaching methods. They should also have experience in pursuing any professional development opportunities. They should be willing to work outside the four walls of the classroom to help the students not only to build their academic understanding but also an all-round holistic development too.

Apart from that, some of the additional skills that are very fruitful when it comes to working is having skills in areas such as:

  • Art 
  • Community
  • Modern Languages
  • Music
  • Sports
  • IT, etc.

What is PRT: Tasks

Tasks are broad guidelines that primary teachers need to follow. It comes close to being called duties but unlike duties, these are purely subjective, that is some primary teachers follow them while some do not.

Examples of a few tasks that PRT follows are as follows:

  • Teaching all the areas that are covered by the primary curriculum. 
  • Maintaining discipline
  • Motivating students with imaginative and enthusiastic presentations
  • Providing feedback to students and their parents alike. 
  • Working with others to plan and design the curriculum
  • Meeting with professionals such as an education officer, welfare educational psychologists, etc. 
  • Organizing and taking part in school events, outings, field trips, activities that may take place on the weekends or in the evenings. 
  • Keeping up to date with the structure and latest developments in the educational curriculum. 
  • Meeting requirements of the assessment guidelines
  • Recording positive development in the pupils. 
  • Planning, preparing, and presenting the day to day lessons, that cater to the whole classroom and students. 
  • Organizing the classroom and learning resources.
  • Creating displays to encourage a positive learning environment
  • Finally, they take responsibility for the progress of primary classes.

What to Expect as a PRT:

Primary teachers are usually given their own individual classrooms, although that may vary if they have to cover staff shortages or teach subject specializations in different areas. A very high percentage of primary teachers are women since it is believed that the primary level students see the teacher as a mother figure, and hence it is easier for them to get through to the students who attend schools for the first time to experienced students who have been coming in school for a minimum of four years. Apart from this, there may be times when the teachers are required to escort the students out on field trips, outing or excursion activities, or even during staff development opportunities.

Salary Expectations of a PRT:

Although this depends entirely on the type of school the teacher has been hired to, the level of experience along with the type of experience he or she has all are factors that depend on the salary prospects of a PRT. However, it is evident that newcomers or newly qualified teachers earn somewhere around Rs. 10,000 to Rs, 20,000. After gaining experience and expertise, teachers can hope to earn somewhere around Rs. 45,000 to Rs. 50,000. Academics and the schools specifically privately-owned schools have their open salary schemes and own pay as per the working conditions offered by them. Additional responsibilities or overtime does not always mean extra pay in many schools, however, just like everything else, it is entirely dependent upon the institution to institution. 

The income figures mentioned above are meant to be guide figures only and the actual pay for PRT can depend and vary. Well if teaching younger kids are in your dream job chart, then earning a PRT exam qualification and setting to work gaining experience is all you need to do.

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